Outbound – Active Calling

Outbound connections are outgoing calls

Here, customers or potential customers are actively called. Outbound campaigns can pursue different goals:

Presentation and sale of your products and services

We take over the tasks of your sales representative on your behalf and offer your services or products directly on the phone. Our qualified personnel will be individually trained to the level of service you require in order to perform competently and successfully.

Arrange appointments / Field service support

For your sales representatives, we arrange appointments for visits or demonstrations for consultation and sales talks. The contact reports provide you with all the information you need to prepare for the interview.

After Sales Services / Follow-up campaigns

Retain and reactivate customers – customer satisfaction surveys. There are many reasons to call your customers. We ask about the satisfaction with services and products, the wishes of your customers or the reason for purchasing restraint. You will be amazed at the positive response of those addressed and the information you receive for marketing and sales planning. Let the performance of your employees be measured by the satisfaction of your customers.

Market analyses

How do customers rate your products and services? How is your new product, your new service received by the market? We create interview forms for you and determine reliable information for your marketing planning.

Trade fair invitations

Exhibitions, trade fairs and presentations incur high costs. With targeted and personal invitations, as well as follow-up actions by telephone, you increase the visitor frequency, minimize the scattering loss and the costs per visitor. All customer information can be statistically evaluated. Your objective is our commitment, our planning and implementation is your safety.

Qualifying addresses

Checking your addresses in the run-up to an action, determining the names and functions of all decision-makers so that your message reaches the decision-makers, users, buyers, consultants and multipliers.

Subscriber acquisition and recovery

Competition in the publishing business is fierce. The acquisition of subscribers via telephone marketing has proven to be very successful in recent years. The same applies to the recovery of former subscribers. Use this option of active telemarketing to increase your subscription numbers effectively and quickly.


An overview of other services we offer can be found here: Our Services